Once the "aha moment” (optimal MVP) has been identified and the North Star has been determined, it is important to try lots of different ideas to reach the growth objectives. Tests are done in the following cycle:

  1. Analyse
  2. Ideate
  3. Prioritise
  4. Test

⚠️ Just-in-time production: the entire product shouldn’t be developed in one sprint, only to find out that most of its functionalities are worthless, or even that the product itself isn’t valid (see Step 1). Each functionality needs to go through this cycle before the next functionality can be added.

The result of one cycle is validated learning: the product founder has learnt something about his product, and what the users want.

1. Analyse

This process starts with the separation of users into distinctive groups, such as regular users and users who barely ever use the product. To start looking for areas of growth opportunities, the following questions can be asked :

What are my best customers’ behaviours?