The first part of acquiring new users is determining language/market fit (how well the way the product is described resonates with the target audience) and channel/product fit (how effective the selected marketing channels are for the product). This document will also present some hacks to acquire more users through viral mechanisms.

Crafting a compelling message

Language/market fit is how well the the language used to describe the product’s benefits resonates with its users and pushes them to try it.

Users’ attention span is 8 seconds, so the message supposed to convince users to sign up must be as short/straightforward as possible.

Messages on websites can be A/B tested with tools like Optimizely and Visual Website Optimiser (they randomly display different versions of the copywriting and measure their performance). Additionally, Bitly makes it possible to share pages and give them titles, so to A/B test those titles.

It is also possible that the product needs to be changed so to adapt the language to make it more appealing.

Finding and using a channel

It is best to focus on one specific channel (at first) instead of diversifying the channels and spending too much money.

There are two phases in exploiting channels :

For the first step, a list of channels needs to be made from which the best solutions will be selected. There are ways to determine what the best channels are, and this table should help :

UTM parameters can be used to track where users are coming from.

Experimenting to get channel/product fit

There are several other criterias to choose the right channel(s) to experiment with: